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SOURCE Studio Liability Waiver

Class / Private Session is always a partnership, and we want to make sure we serve each other as best as we can, virtually and in-person. 

In scheduling this class/session, I agree that SOURCE STUDIO, and its agents, employees, and contracted instructors shall not be liable for any claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions or causes of action whatsoever arising out of, or connected with the use of any of its services, facilities, online offerings, in-person offerings, or equipment. I understand that physical, hands-on corrections will be necessary to supplement verbal corrections. If I have any concerns regarding this policy, I will express them to the instructor prior to the session or as soon as possible. I understand that sessions and classes may be physically strenuous and I voluntarily participate in them with full knowledge that there is risk of personal injury, property loss, or death. I understand that SOURCE STUDIO cannot be held liable for any exposure to the COVID-19 virus. I agree that neither I, my heirs, assigns, or legal representatives will sue or make any other claims of any kind whatsoever against SOURCE STUDIO  or its members for any illness (whether COVID related or otherwise), personal injury, property damage/loss, or wrongful death, whether caused by negligence or otherwise. I further understand and agree to accept the risks associated with becoming infected by any communicable disease. I agree that by entering the SOURCE STUDIO facility, I will comply with all health-related and other guidelines imposed. I agree that SOURCE STUDIO  is in no way responsible for the safekeeping of my personal belongings while I attend class or session. I understand that occasionally photographs and/or video will be taken during classes, sessions, and events to be used for studio promotion. Participation in images is voluntary and if I prefer my image not be used in promotional material it is my responsibility to let the studio staff know. I understand that recording of any SOURCE STUDIO online classes or sessions is strictly prohibited. I agree not to reproduce, sell, share, or distribute any recordings of SOURCE STUDIO online classes or sessions. I understand that the studio has a 24-hour cancellation policy and if I cancel or no-show for a scheduled session or class within 24 hours I will be charged in full. I understand all classes and sessions must be paid for upon booking and that class packs expire within 12 weeks and are non-refundable and non-transferable, Private/Duet Session 5 packs expire within 3 months and Private/Duet 10 packs expire within 6 months. and are non-refundable and non-transferable. All terms of this agreement are subject to change without notice.


By attending in-person or virtual/online class or session, I certify that I have read and understood the agreement above, and I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained therein. 

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